Application Examples
Soy Meal - Chute Discharge From Dryer: Sensor continuously monitors the moisture level of meal existing the dryer. The signal is displayed on the control screen, allowing the operator to adjust the dryer speed and temperature for optimal meal quality and fuel consumption.
Soy Bean - Truck Dump Receiving Hoppers: As a load of beans enters the hopper, the sensor gives an instant reading to determine if that load falls within an acceptable moisture range. If the bean moisture is above an acceptable level, that load is conveyed to a different storage bin for additional drying.
Corn Starch: Purge cup sensor is mounted in pneumatic conveying line from flash dryer. Sensor output is displayed on dryer control screen.
Corn Gluten - Discharge from Dryer: Sensor is mounted in dryer discharge chute or in bottom of discharge screw conveyer. Moisture output helps to control dryer parameters.
DDG - Dryer Discharge: Sensor is mounted at discharge stream or in recycle chute of dryer. Sensor output is used to regulate key parameters for optimum dryer performance.
Whole Corn - Drag Conveyer From Storage Bins to Feed mill: Sensor is mounted in the side of the drag conveyer bringing material to the hammer mill and pelletizer. Sensor output gives operator accurate moisture information for segregation and blending of materials.
Feed Mill - Pelleting Process/Typical Locations:
On mash stream before the conditioner to give starting moisture reading.
On mash stream after the conditioner, sensor reads mash moisture entering pellet machine.
On the cooler discharge stream to give finished pellet moisture and shrink information.
Malic Acid (Food Flavoring): Sensor is mounted in drop chute after screener. Sensor output is used to monitor final product moisture at packaging station.